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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ah, Technology

Joe, Spencer and I went down to Robber's Roost in southern Utah this weekend. It was awesome and you want to hear all about it. Even more so, you want to see the really super great pictures I took. I would love to show them to you! But it looks like my phone (which is what I used to take the pictures, having forgotten my camera...again) is determined to be uncooperative and not yield up its juicy pictures to my computer. But never fear, soon I will have this little device conquered and I'm sure an unbeatably wonderful post will ensue. Until then I'm afraid you'll just have to wait in suspense. And in the meantime, I give you this:
We went on an adventure! {source}

1 comment:

  1. Sigh. Why did you do that. Now I want to watch the movie again.... for the gazillionth time... :]
