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Saturday, September 26, 2009

School Has Begun!

Alrighty so some news... I really don't have much but I'll see what I can do.

I'm back in school now, taking 15 credits which isn't too bad. Classes are---
Slavery in the Atlantic!
History of the French Revolution!
Senior Topics: Political Culture! (Research Paper class)
Business French!
and Aerobic Kickboxing! yeah!

I'm also a UTF (undergraduate teaching fellow, basically a teacher's assistant) for a Greek History class with my favorite professor here, Dr. Frances Titchener. I tumbled into the job and I was thrilled! I still am. Basically I just help a small group of students in the class come up with good, succint essay theses that they can then use to write papers. It's a bit intimidating since I don't think I am that good at coming up with thesis statements, but Dr. T. thinks I am, hence the job I suppose. I also do whatever odd jobs she asks me to do. A couple weeks ago I got to punch holes in the students' tests and then alphabetize them! I'm glad my job experience at DMPG is finally coming into use.

I also went on a blind date to the Homecoming dance last night. That was unique. Not too bad though, we had fun and it was not so much a date as group mayhem. Plus I got brownies and ice cream at the end of the night - how can you beat that? The theme was Here, There, and Everywhere, and the attendees were supposed to dress up in clothing from the decade of their choice. My friend Muriel and I attempted a 50s look. Did we succeed? I have no idea, but I felt like I looked pretty awesome anyway. We took a handful of pictures, and once I get those I'll put them up.

Other than that not much is going on. Conference next weekend!! I am super excited, especially since I'm going home to watch with my family! And I'm pleased that fall is here, such a lovely season. Tainted ever so slightly by the winter season right on its heels. Oh well.

Oh I guess I did go to what my friends like to call a "bonfire" recently (really it's just a fire in an approved location in the canyon. Still fun.) We roasted hot dogs, sat and chatted, read scary stories while my friends acted them out in a charades-like manner... good times all around.

Jackie and I unintentionally wore matching high school sweatshirts. Oh the good old high school days...
Well that's pretty much all I've got. I will try to be more effective in my blogging habits and keep up to date with my life's doings. Til next time!


Ok. So let's just admit it, I am not going to get around to writing in depth about France. Ergo I've decided this shall be my France blog...

I went!

Maybe someday, when I'm not in school, I'll be bored and want to fill in the gaps. But for now I think this suffices. SO now I can start blogging about less intimidating topics and feel a little less silly that I have a blog that is stagnating in the online world. Yay!