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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

20 Questions About My Man

So I spent the last hour or so redesigning my blog, and now it's so pretty that I want to post something a bit more...bloggy...than my last post. But I'm sadly lacking in creativity right now so it's going to be a bunch of pre-made questions about my husband, followed by my witty, delightful answers to them. You'll laugh, you'll cry. You'll wish you hadn't wasted the ten minutes. You'll wonder if you've ever spent ten minutes in a more fulfilling way (answer: NO. You have not.)

Plus I lurv my mister and want to talk about him, and so I shall. Right now. Ready? Here it is.

1. Full Name: Joseph Robert Galloway

2. How long have you been married? A year! (Okay, not quite, but it is a year in 2 weeks so I'm rounding up.)

3. How long did you date? If you include the engagement...which is kind of like dating (??) 9 months. Sans engagement, 6 months.

4. Who said 'I love you' first? Definitely him. And I didn't say it back. Bwahaha.

5. Who is taller? Joe. Barely. Haha. I hope you're all imagining the exasperated face he'd be giving me right now if he knew I was writing this. And just so you know, he is several inches taller. Like, at least 3. I'm just teasing him via this blog that he doesn't read. Such is my deviousness.

6. Who sings better? Joe would say I do. I guess I would say that too, but he always insists he can't sing at all and he can! Don't believe the lies! He has a lovely bass rumble.

7. Who is smarter? Again, Joe would insist that's me. However, I disagree on this one entirely. He is mathy, knows a ton of random (mostly useless, admittedly) trivia, and has them street smarts too. I Yeah. He's got me beat.

8. Who does the laundry? Joe does it, because he knows I hate it. Although I (usually) hang it/fold it/put it away, because he hates that part. It works out quite nicely, I must say.

9. Who pays the bills? Joe, ugh. I'd hate it. But I try to pay attention so I at least know what's going on.

10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If this refers to when you're lying in it, I do. We actually started out the other way around and liked it, but for some reason when we moved to our new house it felt really cramped, so we tried switching. Randomly, it felt a million times roomier, so it stuck. Plus I have the outlet for my lamp, useful during late night readings :)

11. Who mows the lawn? We have one of those! We've mowed it once, and by we, I mean Joe. He's a manly man who mows.

12. Who cooks dinner? Waaahhllll (10th Doctor, anyone?), I'd have to admit that when cooking happens it's probably Joe. And it's also probably chicken. We like chicken. BUT if you read my last excuse for a post, then you'll have read that I'm trying to jump in on that responsibility and cook once in a while. In case you are dying to know, my goal is to cook a meal I've never tried at least twice a week. Like, from a recipe or something. I know, it's a lofty goal, but I think with some good determination I can pull it off.

13. Who drives? Joe. He loves his zippy little Subaru. Although I guess I drive him to the train and back, but I feel like that doesn't really count because if he could somehow pull off a superman maneuver to leap out of the driver's seat and run to the station while I gracefully slid over to replace him, as all the while the car continued on at speed and did NOT stall, he probably would drive then too.

14. Who is more stubborn? Uhh, probably me if it came down to it. In frequency, I mean. Although we're both pretty easy going about almost anything, so the stubborn-fighting-stubborn thing never really happens. But I would venture a guess that if we were to get into a stubbornness match over something he really wanted/didn't want to do, he would probably win. He'd have to have a really strong opinion about it to overcome my super-powered-puppy-eye counterattack.

15. Who kissed who first? He did. See "I love you" question above. I am a relationship wuss.

16. Who asked who out first? AH! I rescind my answer to the earlier question, because in this ONE circumstance I was the initiator! I asked him out first, though he will forever say that I just beat him to it by this much, since supposedly he was going to ask me out that weekend or something. Sure, sure.

17. Who proposed? Well, Joe did. That would be really weird and out of character for me to do it. See "I love you" and "First kiss" questions for further clarification.

18. Who has more siblings? He does. Three sisters and a brother (he's the youngest), and I have but one younger brother.

19. Who wears the pants? We both wear pants. What a silly question.
I'm kidding. "The Pants" are, I feel, equally shared, depending on what's going on.

20. What is your favorite thing about your spouse? Probably his hilariousness. He is so silly and apparently has this goal to make me laugh every day. As far as I know, this record has not been broken since I've known him, which, just so you know, is about 2 years now. That's pretty impressive! One of my favorite things that he does that I won't explain in detail (because you'll think it's dumb...promise) is this stupid little song he sings. I used to think it was annoying more than cute, but then he sang it so often in this weird high pitched soft voice that it started making me smile, and now it's one of the top things he can do to improve my mood, no matter how determined I am to be a capital G Grump. 
I also have to add that my other equally favorite thing about him is how nice he is. I always expected him to be silly, but I wasn't aware of how wonderfully kind he would be to me, and to other people. That sounds weird, like I thought he was mean. I didn't, it's just that he just keeps getting nicer! He does things all the time just because he can, and because he wants to do stuff for everyone else. It surprises me all the time (though it shouldn't anymore) how often he just does nice things for no reason. Yes, yes I like him. 

Ok, it's over! You can resume your normal activities. By the way, I took this from my friend Rebekah's blog ( iff'n ya wanna go check hers out. She is a funny laday.  

And I love my Joe. 

And that is all. 


  1. Wheeee!!!! I loved both of the new posts. :D Yay for questionaires! Maybe I should just do more of those so I don't have to put any thought into my posts. ;) I have like 3 or 4 posts in the draft section...but I never get around to finishing it. Now you've inspired me. We can take turns! You blog, I blog, you blog again...I read your blogs and do nothing....... .... .... haha. I'll work on that. ;)

  2. I really should do drafts, then maybe I'd post more that every two months haha. I just can't think of anything fun or clever to write, on the spot OR in advance. I'm going to try though. My blog is a never ending quest to be consistent! Also I like this plan of taking turns. Haha. Go forth and inspire me! :D I'm really curious what your drafts are about.. you should do those! eh? eh? :)
