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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Bad Blogger

In case you haven't noticed, I am not a good blogger. So here is a post to say, yes, I am bad at posting. I tried to change. I tried to be interesting and keep up with the thrilling details of what goes on in the Galloway 'verse (Firefly reference!). But alas, I have failed. So instead of a real post, you get this paragraph explaining that I'm bad at posting. You. Are. Welcome.

That being said, I shall continue on in my quest to post random stuff regularly. Hopefully within the next week I will put up something of substance. Perhaps I could talk about our new puppy (who is not so puppyish anymore). Or perchance there will be stories about our attempts to prettify our yard or my new-found goal to sometimes cook. We went on a trip to Washington last weekend---will that be mentioned? Who knows! Whatever it is, it will be a surprise to us all. How exciting!

Until then, adieu...adieu.......adieu.

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