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Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Lodgings

Once upon a time, I got married to this cute, though admittedly silly, boy. Fortunately for us both, he already rented an apartment, which was surprisingly well-kept for a bachelor's abode. Since it's a one-person or married-persons only apartment (aka, no roommates,) it was delightfully easy for me to move in. And we made it all cute and homey with all of our wedding goodies! So today I have for your special enjoyment some riveting photos of our apartment. Be excited! You are about to enter the fascinating confines of my new home.

To start, the bathroom!
Since I don't find bathrooms to be particularly interesting, this is the only photo I took. If you happen to be a connoisseur of bathrooms, I apologize for documenting it so incompletely. We are going for a brown theme...using different shades of browns...and see! We successfully have a brown shower curtain and brown towels.
It looks much better than it used to. And, thanks to the parking garage fire from months past, some of the shower things got replaced, courtesy of the landlord, and we have a fancy, curvy shower curtain rod. I don't know about you guys, but I find that to be pretty awesome. Also, the curtain's not dirty, it's just all fancily crinkled. It looks cool in person, I promise.

Next, the bedroom! This is my second favorite room in our apartment. Unless it's the morning and I'm sleeping in. Then it's my favorite room of all time.Here is the view from the doorway.
The bed was Joe's before, and if you looked at it and said "that's from Ikea!" like Joe does every time he sees a picture of anything from Ikea, then you would be right. And my sock monkey was brought along because I'm still mentally infantile.

View from the opposite corner:
 This is mostly just to show off two of our favorite things - The Shelf, which is just my favorite, because it's full of books. And The Giant Mirror, which we JUST bought a couple of days ago. That's Joe's favorite. It is pretty fantastic. And the white thing peeking out from behind the mirror is a canvas, for one day when we're going to be super artistic and decorate our bedroom walls.

Living room! My new favorite room because we decorated the walls with a perfectly assembled (if i do say so myself) frame collage.
 We did the collage thingy the same night we bought the mirror, which is why there are a bunch of empty frames. They aren't supposed to be empty. But I can't get over how much I love it. The little clock has a swinging pendulum! So awesome.
Joe also owned the couch before I moved in. In fact, he bought it right when we first were dating, and it was a definite upgrade from the last model. He has such good taste. Also he let me put up that mirror, which he thinks is gaudy (it is. exquisitely gaudy.) So you see, he's a pretty grand husband.

From inside the kitchen:
 He also owned the tv. I basically moved into a fully, nicely furnished apartment. I might have married him for that reason. And note the vaulted ceilings. I love them.
Also, if you're curious, on the tv is BBC's The Buccaneers, which so far I wouldn't recommend. It mostly seems annoying.

Our teensy kitchen:
 Which, despite being small, is pretty nice also. And now furnished with all sorts of awesome dishes and other trinkets, like this!:
 Our new butter dish! So cute! I get overexcited about weird things like butter dishes.

And this!:
Kitchenaid mixer! Yes, it's marvelous. I used it to make cookies last night, so just pretend there's a giant shiny bowl with a handle in the picture as well. 

And I almost forgot! This lovely balcony is one of my other favorite parts of our apartment. It's just outside our bedroom, and someday (soon mehopes) I shall put some small patio furniture out there so I can sit and read in the warm outside. I love that there are trees right outside, it makes our balcony feel pretty private compared to some of the other apartments'. Plus it grows pears, so if we ever learn how to pick them without knocking them all off, we'll have tasty snacks too. 
I really love living here, by the way. It's 10 times nicer than I expected as a newlywed. Plus I'm in very good company, so it's just fun. And that's that! Tour complete. :)

Friday, July 6, 2012

Blog Title Confession

So... I also renamed my blog. This you probably noticed. However, I'm not sure I love the name, sooo if you guys are craving a little suggestion box action, here is your opportunity! Answer, if you would, one or more of the following questions:

-Do you like this blog title? (Joe & the Ginger)
-Do you think we need a different title?
-What title do you think we should have?
-If you think we should have a new title, but are feeling as uninspired as I am, what elements would you suggest putting in our title?

If you don't want to bother typing out a whole mess of commentary, I have created for you this handy dandy answering guide. Just put the letter of the comment you would make if you were feeling more typistically* inclined (*nope, that's not a word.)

A. Your new blog name is the most amazing name I have ever seen. Keep it. Keep it forever.

B. Your blog is such a delightful mix of humor, cleverness, and information. No one will even notice the title because you are such a fabulous blogger. Don't worry about it.

C. Your blog's name is awful. Get rid of it immediately. I have no other input to offer. But also you are a beautiful human, and I think everything you do is inspired.

D. I don't think this subject was really worthy of its own post.

That's it. Please help my poor fledgling blog title.

And here's the confession: I really don't mind my title (in fact, I rather like it.) Mostly I just wanted to make another post. Still want your input, though. 

My Blog Grew Up Today

Today my blog put on her big-girl panties and graduated from the frilly thing it was into a nice, clean-cut, grow-ed up blog. Do I miss the crazy colors and ridiculousness of it?...Perhaps a smidgeon. But do I also love the new look and the ability to read all of the words with nary a squint to be seen? Yes. Yes I do. And I hope you do too.
My blog's growing up... just like Ron Weasley.