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Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Nod to Lewis Carroll

More like a violent head-banging motion than a nod. Not because it rocks, it's just not exactly subtle, particularly the part where I directly quote him. You get it.
I recently watched the new, slightly freakish Alice in Wonderland, and it reminded me of the Jabberwocky*, since that poem is in the book/movie. Sooo I decided to write something Carroll-esque, which didn't start out having a story but, lo and behold, one bloomed forth anyway.
*If you have no idea what 'Jabberwocky' means, go HERE immediately to further your poetic education and delight.

It doesn't have a title. Yet. Suggestions welcome. No sad eyes or glaring if I don't use them though, that's the rule.

Where slything sleek and sundersome
the gorgon gala weals,
out roils the frothy fettergale
and petulantly peals.

Within the nimble bowerways,
all flora boundabout,
come craggering the gorgonelles
to cast the bonner out.

No body dared there enter in
what gabed the wrinkled wags,
else in the leafy arbory
stayed borful stonely rags.

But dear and doughty Perseus'
ambrosial amber eyen,
when hearkened of the bulbadrum
did fair and seedly gline.

Minerva's steeling shield he glommed,
and Hermes' tortile sword;
Then he abaft and sails ahull
they frapped the shiply cord.

All gybing were the fearless few
which braved the walty sea;
Soon baffed upon grim craggy isle
the ship, the sword, and he.

His crew though blenching at the sight,
brave Perseus there strode
with shield in left and sword in right
while gloamy night forbode.

Came keening through a dreggy dark-
most grubious to be seen-
Medusadell, the crithy belle,
that ruled as gorgon queen.

Gripped cripply he the knurly blade
and whicked it near and nack
'Til fiend keeled dead, and with its head,
he went galumphing back.

Where mything sleek and mendersome
the hero Perseus bounds,
out blythes the frothy fettergale,
and galavantly sounds.


  1. Big words, big words!
    This is alarming my brain.

    I like it, Taraya.
    Favorite words: craggering, dreggy, and crithy.

  2. Haha thanks. Yes several of the words (probably more than several, actually) aren't real. they are nonsense! (imagine me bouncing around like the cartoon tweedle dee and dum right now.)
    one of my favorite facts about the writing of this poem is that i thought i invented "dreggy", but then spell check didn't freak out so i looked it up, and it's real! it means dirty. who knew? worked perfectly though so i kept it.

  3. Ah, me loves it! I delight in your nonsense words. We studied Jabberwocky in 8th grade Engrish, and I chose a silly copy change called JabberwAcky to recite for my "final project" of the unit. (I was going to link to it, but couldn't find it). So it holds a special place in my
