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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cause I Said I Would...

So... Ice Castles! Here are some pictures, and I guarantee that they are in no kind of order.

A castle...of ice!Squid arms.
Nauseating(ly cute) couple picture. Aww.
Cool little corridor - dad standing in for sizeability. frozen.

They were cool. Generally it was just a cool place. The castles were bigger than I expected, and the square footage of the overall castle...area...was less than I would have thought also. But I believe 'twas worth the drive to Midway. Go next time you can! It's cool in so many ways ;)

I'm pretty sure that my ineptness with Blogger caused me to delete a few of the pictures that I uploaded, but since I can't remember which ones I had this'll have to do. I'll be blogging a poem-y thing directly to excuse this non-creative post.

Happy St. Patty's!


  1. Where in Midway were the castles?
    Once again, I think they look like Minus Morgul from Lord of the Rings.

    I wish you had squid arms everyday.

  2. I agree, they do carry a fascinating resemblance to that place. Delightfully so.

    Uhh... It's right off the main street (which may be called something other than main street) in Midway. I don't even know how to describe it because I'm hopeless with directions. Sorry. Google will be infinitely more helpful than me in this situation...
