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Monday, March 8, 2010

You're Late for a Very Important Date!

Alice in Wonderland was an interesting movie, which would probably not surprise anyone.
I wasn't as impressed as I'd hoped I'd be. The storyline seemed choppy, most of the characters dry and underdeveloped, and whole movie seemed to skim over the top of what could have been a deep and engrossing film. But...

Things I was a fan of:
The feel of the movie
the 3-d
The MUSIC!!! Sooo good.
The Cheshire cat and his creepy over-huge smile.
And, inexplicably, I LOVE Johnny Depp's character, the Mad Hatter. I'm not sure if that's because I have a soft spot for most roles played by Johnny Depp, or because, to me, he was the only character (ironically) that seemed to have depth.

Also I think his makeup and costume in general are just delightful. I love his creepy eyes!

Speaking of costuming, My friends and I did a little dressing up of our own for the event.
Miss Sarah Singleton graced the theater as the Cheshire Cat, Melanie as THE Alice, And I was the malicious Red Queen....who, now that I think of it, wasn't too bad in the movie either. She was tempermental and unkind and, in an unexpected twist, clingy and desperate for love.

I also am of the opinion that the Red and White queens may have a historical connection to Elizabeth and Mary of England back in the fifteenth century - a nice "perfect" queen who just wants to stop killing, and her crazy, vengeful, psychotic (redhead) sister who is older and thinks that's enough to give her rights to the crown.
Yes, this interpretation could be entirely from my history nerd brain. But I think it would be excellent if this connection was intended!

I guess I achieved my goal with dressing up, as I turned heads and EVEN had a couple people ask to take a picture with me! Now I can cross that off the bucket list.
Sometimes it's just fun to dress weird.
To finish off, I'd like to admit that I found the movie entertaining, and was not sad that I went to see it a second time this weekend with cousin Kelsey (dressed in normal clothes...). Overall, I didn't love it, but I definitely liked it.
(confession: this could be because I generally don't like Tim Burton's fondness towards the creepy and grotesque.)

Quick update for those who like to know (a.k.a. mom, :D) I have only one more day of school til my early spring break begins, as well as a Political Science mid-term that I have to take on Wednesday which worries me slightly, but should be ok. I hope. I'm excited for the 2ish-week break I have coming up and the chance to hang out with my favorite people - my family! Both immediate and extended. I'm going to California Wednesday which I'm thrilled about (warmth, please!) And that's pretty much all that's new.

Mad Hatter: Have I gone mad?
Alice: I'm afraid so. But I'll tell you a secret.
All the best people are.


  1. OOOO, I'm loving the queen look on you! Fun! And yes, I am also ready for your spring break. Home is a very quiet place right now.

  2. I think the Cheshire Cat ended up being my favorite character, which is funny in the fact that I dressed up as him....
    But I do love Johnny Depp.
