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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fresh Eyes

I got new contacts today!
They replaced at last the one remaining pair in my posession, which were riddled with miniscule holes. I had no idea how bad they were until I put in my new ones about 5 minutes ago...
Feels like I just stepped on Pandora, everything is so sharp and colorful.
(yeah.. nerdy reference. whatever.)
Now I'm wondering what I missed out on during the last.. month... that I had to wear my
"holy contacts".
Did it affect my test scores?
Did it make my driving even worse?
(Is that possible?)
Did people wave hello to me between classes completely unnoticed thanks to my foggy vision?
On the down side, I can now see all the lint on this black shirt I've been wearing all day.
When I put it on this morning it looked quite sharp and lint-free.
On another note, I'm pretty sure I rocked my Poli Sci mid-term today!
I walked (danced) home to the song "You Make My Dreams Come True" playing in my head. such was my joy.
Gotta love head radio.
Well I'm leaving for California in.. well pretty much now! Exciting.
So I guess I had better be going.
I will try to take lovely pictures. We'll see how it goes.
“Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life.”
- Jack Kerouac


  1. Taraya! You finally got new contacts. Yeesh, that took you long enough.
    Excellent Avatar reference.
    Excellent test confidence. Whenever I'm confident in tests I bomb them.

  2. Got my grade back today - 97%!! that's even better than I expected! I was fifth out of the 47 students in my class! :D Super happy...super surprised.
