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Thursday, September 25, 2014

As We Left It

Tomorrow is the day we depart our humble abode and move to Springville. We have packed (a little) and procrastinated (a lot) but I managed to get some pictures of all the rooms in the house, tidied and decorated, before the great packing mess began. This is one of those posts that is more for my benefit than anything else...actually, I guess they are all like that. Oh well! It's fun for me to see the changes we've made in the two years we've been here, and all the things that made it ours.


I...didn't clean this side. Haha. HONESTY.

I'm getting really excited about moving. It's sad to leave this house that we love but Joe and I both kind of like changing things up and doing something new. Tonight is the packing frenzy, then cleaning and moving tomorrow! Onward!

1 comment:

  1. Your house is so insanely gorgeous. I am all the shades of green. :D
