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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Office Space

A momentous thing (for us) happened over the last week. A glorious, wondrous, delightful thing. It involves our office. And paint. And floors. But let me begin...(cue dramatic voice) the BEGINNING.

I'm sure you all remember every detail of our cozy little shared office room, but in case you didn't, here is the heavily filtered version of things before all my wall decor started falling off, WHICH, by the way, I don't understand. The tape method is usually so secure.

I didn't really mind my corner, actually. It was kind of crazy but it was warm and crafty. However, most of the stuff on the walls was there because I didn't have anywhere else to put it. That wall was my junk drawer. The majority of the art was meaningless stuff that I'd printed out to fill up empty spaces. It was all nice, but it wasn't what I wished of my writing/playing/relaxing space.

Joe has a desk in there too, but we do not speak of it.

Another key factor to this room was that it was the only one left with orange-brown-peach paint. The walls, ceiling and sometimes the baseboards in our living room, bedroom and hallway had all been that weird peach. We didn't mind at first, but over time we began to loathe it more and more. The office started to fill me with inexplicable, squinty-eyed fury.

So we finally got off our lazy bums and changed it!

preparing for the paint

this is the more accurate example of the peach paint

 Around the time that we moved the furniture to the middle of the room and covered half of it in drop cloths, we decided, "Hey, why not rip out the carpet in hopes that there are hardwood floors underneath?" It had worked in the living room, which is a good enough reason to suspect it would work everywhere else.

Directly under the carpet was this magic:


 Which I swear to you I actually considered for about two seconds before realizing that was the worst idea in the world.

We got a bit worried thinking that this was it. This was the floor, and we'd destroyed the carpet and now we'd have to live with clown vomit linoleum because we're poor and hasty.

But it turned out not to be linoleum at all. It was some weird, thick carpet underlay stuff that was conveniently rip-able. And in fact....

Underneath it lay dusty hardwood flooring! Unfinished and in remarkably good shape, mostly.


There was a little bit of water damage under the window, which you can kind of see in the next picture, but I think it's pretty shallow and we should be able to get it fixed up whenever we finish the floors in the future. Other than that we were really pleased with what was hiding under the beautiful multi-colored monstrosity.

You can kind of see, too, that someone once stained the edges around the room. With actual wood stain, on purpose. Still trying to understand why.

With the carpet taken care of, we resumed painting the room. Just white. Lovely, bright, boring white.

second coat

The last of the peach IN THE WHOLE HOUSE. It's a mark of how glad I was to be rid of it that I remembered to take a picture of the occasion.

 Here's the office put back together the next morning! Bright and happy.

With special guest, angsty Buffy Summers! 

Gus loves the new wood floors. 

 And last Thursday I figured out my art and got it all hung up. The top right painting is a place filler, but everything else was picked out because I loved it or it makes me happy (except the bulletin board. That's just convenient.)

And Joe hung his own art on his side, so there's proof that he uses this room too.

I love it in here now, especially during the day when the sun streams in. 

 So... did I make it worse? Anyone think the peach was better? I'm so happy with the changes, it feels a lot more purposeful and interesting to me now. The reduced clutter on the walls is helpful too. I'm going to do something to hide the cords behind my desk but other than that and some organization of craft stuff on the wall behind my desk, this room is all set.  I'm so glad we finally put in the effort to get this done!

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Also, I love your writing. It makes me chuckle inside. Don't worry, that's a compliment.

    I also love how you almost considered leaving the multicolored clown flooring. I would've been okay with that, haha.
