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Monday, January 7, 2013

We Bought A Fridge!

This is probably only exciting for us, but I'm gonna tell you about it anyway.

We bought a fridge! 

I should have taken some better comparison pictures, but the fridge delivery guys were around and I thought my pajamas and the half-chewed dog bones lying everywhere were doing more than enough to make me look nuts. Obsessive fridge picture taking needn't help the image. SO I just snapped a couple while they were turned the other way. Sneaky. 

Here's our old fridge! Note the general squatness and old-school appearance:
Also, all our food is nicely displayed on the kitchen counters.
They were in the middle of moving it out. That's not where we keep our fridge.

Aaaand... tah dah! New fridge! You can't really tell from this un-comparison picture, but it is like a foot taller and so spacious. And the freezer has NO ICE-ENCRUSTED WALLS! It's so, so amazing.
I should mention that the old fridge was constantly freezing ALL of our food, not just the stuff in the freezer. Special feature? Anyway, that's why we bought a new one.

So, that's it. We got a new fridge and we love it. Tune in next time for more thrills and chills!


  1. Ooooh! Very nice! But you should DEFINITELY have an orchid in that window. :)

  2. I find delight in your delight. IT truly is a blessing to be able to find joy in such things.

    Grandpa L.

  3. I think that is very exciting. Looks very nice. I think an orchid is a good idea. I love your kitchen.
