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Monday, December 17, 2012

The Tree Hunt

Every year, faithfully, my family gathers to go hunt down a Christmas tree. At least, they should. Really this only began last year so I guess I can't say it's quite the annual event yet. This year, however, we continued this fine tradition and trekked up to Alpine to find the perfect Christmas Tree for both my parents' house and ours. We took Magnus along too, although he wasn't exactly helpful. 

Joe and Magnus, in front of what
ended up being our tree of choice

Spencer came too! He had fun, despite his face.
Also, he has a cool hat. 

Our tree! His name is Herbert.

Chatting in front of Herbert.
Magnus is probably eating dirt. 

I love this picture. Love it. Even Magnus turned to join in the weird-look fun.

This is the (almost) final product! As you have seen,  I finished the tree skirt underneath.
We have since added in the ornaments that my grandma has been making me every year since
my birth. They make the tree so much more homey! 
My parents seem likely to give up soon on going to the tree farm, but I hope our wee family keeps it up. It's just a fun, Christmas-y activity that gets us moving around outside! Nothing better'n that.

And just for fun, here's a picture of Joe on his first day of school riding the new FrontRunner train to work. Isn't he cute?

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