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Thursday, October 18, 2012


Much later than expected, here I sit to write about Joe's b-day trip with our friends Scott and Wendy to their cabin! Hooray for posts!
Here's the cabin! Ok, so it doesn't look like much, but how much do you really need? There are two stories, Joe and I and our friend Doug claimed the top floor, and the bottom floor was for the hosts, the kitchen, and....playing games! It was rainy almost the entire time we were there, so we did play A LOT of games. I always considered myself to not really be a "games" person, but I had so much fun! I have reconsidered games as an enjoyable past-time. I learned how to play Settlers of Catan for the first time, and despite losing every single round, I found it quite entertaining. We also played Monopoly Deal, which now that I think about it was also unknown to me before that trip. I love that game. And we also played HORSESHOES. Which, just so you know, I am a master of. Unbeknownst to me and the world, lurking inside me was a horseshoes queen, just waiting for her opportunity to rise and take her place in the ranks of accomplished horseshoes-ers. Who knew that throwing bits of metal at OTHER bits of metal could be so much fun?
That's Joe throwing his piece of metal. He was alright. :) Scott, on the other hand, has had way too much practice. That guy throttled us. Every. Time.

The other thing we did that weekend, besides playing games, was attempt to fish. I say attempt because it was beyond cold and I think one little fish was caught. But it sure looked pretty at the lake.
Mist-ical, no? (ha. ha.)

The men, fishing. I huddled up in the towels we brought
in case of swimming - ha! - and read my book. 

Joe eventually succumbed to the cold as well
and came to cuddle with me for warmth. 
We also celebrated Scott and Joe's birthdays which were both in the upcoming days that week. I already showed you the picture of them and the cake, so I'll spare you the repetition of the other nearly identical photos that I have.

And that was the trip! It was pretty fun, despite being drizzly, and we even saw a lurking moose on the drive up! You can't beat that, you really can't.

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