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Monday, May 21, 2012

The Sights of Springville

So, this post won't have any actual sights of Springville... well, that's not true. There's one semi-distant photo of the museum! Ready yourselves for that.

My ex-roommate/current friend Jenna came to visit ex-fake-roommate/current friend Sarah Singleton and myself in "the Ville" {as Sarah calls it} and we showed her all of Springville's wonders!
In the museum. Dunno what Jenna's doin.

Jenna... doing her thing. 

Sarah... doing a leprechaun dance? It WAS an exciting
tour of Springville's finest. 
This is probably clear by now, but we went to the museum.
See? There it is! Behind them! 

Jenna in her tourist hat, on her way to see more
exciting things!
And we didn't stop at the art museum! We also dined at the Trolley, which is one of the only restaurants around here, and it was way better than I even remembered. So tasty! But, I have sad news. They changed their menu! I guess that's not necessarily a bad thing, except that they don't have my favorite thing anymore. I haven't tried the new things so I'm sure it's still wonderful.

We also enjoyed lounging on my front yard for like... an hour. That's sort of a Springville specialty, I guess. And we saw Sarah's kajillion cats, which is definitely an oddity that you won't find anywhere else.

All in all, I'm fairly sure Jenna is convinced of all the amazing things Springville has to offer. If I remember right, she mentioned something about moving here after school, because she just couldn't stay away. Right, Jenna? Right?


  1. I worked at the Trolly all through High School but haven't been back for a couple years. What was your favorite thing that they took off??!? I love their food. :) :)

  2. I loved the chicken...Hawaiian...sandwich thing. Haha. It occurs to me now that I have no idea what it was called. It had a big slice of pineapple and terriyaki sauce I think. Although! We called them for a to go order last week, and when we found out that wasn't on the menu anymore they said they'd make it for us anyway. And they did! And it was delicious. So that was pretty cool. Im definitely still a fan. :)
