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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Something kinda cool happened

So, I feel like I should probably mention that I got engaged last month...! I planned on waiting to make a post about it until I could bang out something amazing, complete with pictures of the beach where he proposed, the ring with which he proposed, the ring which was the real ring, our engagement pictures, and all kinds of plans that we had already figured out because we're just that on top of things.

That wasn't happening, and it turns out there's a lot of random things to plan and we haven't gotten around to most of them yet. BUT. These facts remain: I am engaged to Joe Galloway! We are awesome. He is superb and I love him. Our wedding day is May 26th, and everyone who ever reads this should be there.

{And here's our favorite engagement picture, just for good measure :) }


  1. I will continue to congratulate you through all different sorts of media.

    Eeeeeeeeeep! TARAAAAAAA. I am super duper happy for you. That is a wonderful picture. I must say that there's something wonderful about how your hair falls (and I promise I'm not being creepy about this).

    I better approve of this man. I probably will.

    You'll have the same initials! I consider that awesome.

    Mucho love, and I will probably see you tomorrow.



  2. No worries, I totally said the same thing about your hair. ;) Seriously, it looks like PERFECT/FAKE in this pic!!! Gorgeous. :D

    You two will have beautiful babies.

  3. What happened to June 2nd??? I don't know if I can pull the kids out of school that early and we really wanted to be there. Congrats anyhow! We'll still do our best to make it.

  4. None of the places we were using were available for June 2 :( Tis a sad thing indeed, but on the plus side we get to get married a week earlier. Bonus! I hope you can all still make it! It won't be a proper party otherwise.
    And Sarah and Rebekah, thanks! I rather like that picture, including the hair. It is our favorite for that reason. Sarah, I decided you and Joe should always get along because he is also obsessed with my ginger locks. haha. You can be creepy together.
