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Monday, February 28, 2011

Operation Blog Overhaul

Ok, well clearly I failed to do the ice castles post like I claimed I would, but I'll get to it. Never you fret.

Here's some news, though. I've decided that if I want to ever get anywhere with writing stuff I should probably practice more than once every who-knows-when, so from now on (ideally) I'll include some sort of short story or... something*... with every post so as to hone my creative writing abilities and perhaps get some things out there for applications or whatever else. I've got nothin' today though and there's an unfurnished igloo in my backyard that is calling my name, so all this hooplah will start next time I post. Excited?? You should be!

Also feel free to leave feedback on whatever I write, be it a wild gush of unrestrained praise or a festering cloud of doomfull disdain, I'll take it.

I'll still be including the ever-thrilling details of my life on the posts as well. They'll be consistently put at the top or the bottom of my posts (haven't decided yet) so that if you want to skip to either my fascinating life adventures or my exquisite stories, without reading the other bit, you'll know where to go.

Alrighty that's all. Igloo time!

*disclaimer: I make no guarantee that any of my short stories or "somethings" will be of any lasting quality or entertainment. Read at your own risk.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, it's been awhile but I checked this out again. My name's Adam Isom and I go to USU.

    I have some feedback for you, but it's long. The first time I wrote it, Blogspot rejected my comment, probably for being too long. Would you care to let me e-mail you? I promise I'm not a spambot.

    Just drop a line to ** OR ** (you pick) with any subject line and I'll give you feedback worth having, that's my promise to you. You say you want it; so email me.

    For all you know I'm like the magic fairy and I'll help your writing dreams come true--I do have access to several smart writers who have actually written novels. Unpublished novels so far, true, but they've even sent out query letters to publishers. They're serious. Drop a line and I'll tell you more.
