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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Eggplant Girl

Welllll, shockingly enough, it would seem that someone other than my family reads this blog from time to time (ahem...Sarah) and she, the paranthetical presence I just mentioned, has requested an update on my blog. I'm going to have to start getting creative here so that I can make frequent enough posts to satisfy her blog-stalking desires.
I have to admit, though, I'm all for blog-stalkers. I already have a journal which is not meant for prying eyes. This, on the other hand, is here so people will read it and ho and hum along with my annoyances, laugh graciously at my lame jokes, oo and ahh at my inspiring words, and so on. So please, if you are blog-stalking me right now, even as you read these on, reader. Read on.
Since I have nothing to say, I shall tell you a sad tale.

Once upon a time I lost my camera, and ever since then I have not been able to post an original photo to my blog.
The End.
(I know, I know. This from the girl who wants to be a writer. Sigh)

I feel bad about not making my blog more visually interesting, so here is a picture taken by Yours Truly:

It's basically cruel for me to blog this picture unbeknownst to the subject, but I justify it because I have a reason for displaying my best friend's picture to the blogosphere. Melanie is Engaged! Woohooo! She and her high-school sweetheart/recently returned missionary are getting married in December, which means that both of my best friends, all the way from back in the days of Springville High through to our college years (so far), found mawwage in 2010. You go girls!

My other justification is that she posed for this pic. She had it comin', I say. But dang, eggplant never looked so good. Am I right?

In other news, I have a sticker on my bathroom counter that says "I Make A Difference". Why do I have this sticker? Why do I make a difference? Because...I donated blooood today! It was the most painless blood-draining experience yet, which is pretty good. One thing I find interesting is that the girl who stuck me didn't quite get the vein right off and had to fix it... but I'm not bruised. But the finger they had to poke for my blood test is turning all sorts of purple-y. Crazy! That's never happened before.

I guess I'll make a book plug too. I read Incarceron this last weekend and it was very imaginative. Kind of to the point where it was beyond my ability to follow along visually in my mind, because my mind was blown. Yeah. It was good though, really creative and engaging I thought. Read it. If you want. Maybe, like, if you're bored. Or mind-hyper.

Alright, one last by-the-by comment that I've realized (er, remembered) this last week: Choosing gratitude over complaint can help smooth out even the most wrinkly days.

And that's a wrap. Blog successfully updated. :)

"A friend of mine once sent me a postcard with a picture of the entire planet earth...on the back it said, 'Wish you were here'"

-Steven Wright


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Tara!
    I'm so happy you posted a post.
    Stalk. Stalking. Stalks. Yes, I am a stalker.
    Mel looks so fabulous in that picture, I must say. We had a bit of an ordeal in which I searched and searched Logan for an eggplant and couldn't find a single one. The next week Mel saw them everywhere. Obviously she is the eggplant queen.

    Tara- the word manwage is so terrible. I love it.

    P.S. I like that ending quote

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
