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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Because I wanted to post again....

I have nothing of significance to say. Just wanted to blog.

Today was a good day. Mostly because it was
beautiful! As I walked back to my apartment this morning
(after having to park in the outer limits of the parking lot)
the sky was spitting cold and heavy raindrops, sparse though they were, on my hoodless head.
I decided that was preferrable to snow, and so was optomistic about the day.
Then! I closed myself in my apartment for an hour or so and waited for my classes to begin, and when I emerged at last, my eyes were flooded with sunlight. I eventually decided my coat was overkill for the temperature; That's right - I was outside in short sleeves, and it was pleasant!

The student government elections have been going on this week and last. I'm slightly less than proud to say I got suckered in to voting for people I'd never even heard of.
There's one sidewalk that is a vortex of student propaganda and manipulative pressuring. This sidewalk just happens to lie directly on the shortest route from Old Main to my apartment.
I eyed warily the mass of homemade billboards and "Vote for [fill in the blank]" shirts swirling around. There was a possibility I could bypass the madness...but I would have to be sneaky.
I hunched over and pretended to be completely engrossed in my texts - clear signs that I was someone who shouldn't be bothered, right? Quickly I began the walk around the crazed circle, glanced to my right.
No one was approaching. I was almost there!
I eyed my goal: a small tree-sheltered sidewalk on the other side of the vortex.
So close! I began to speed up
Hey there! Have you voted yet??"
The painfully chipper young man was smiling at me triumphantly. He had me now.
I could have lied. I could have said yes, could have said I had a class to get to.
"Uh... no, not exactly" was my quick-thinkin
g reply.
The grin grew larger and he threw a friendly arm around my shoulders, leading me over to his favorite's area of the vortex. I was not to worry. It was so easy - he had a computer, his friend was the best for the job, it would only take a few minutes!
I sighed in resignation.
To my credit, I made him work for my vote, demanding that he convince me that I should vote for his friend. He did a very poor job (asking "why would you want a guy who has already been president before?" [his opponent is currently president], is
NOT a convincing arguement.) but luckily his friend was nearby.
"Here he is now, your future president!"
My "future president" was nice. He said hello, asked how my day was, then very sincerely told me he was glad I was voting at all. He didn't want to pressure me into voting for him (unlike his friend) so he moved away while I voted.
That was good enough for me. I voted for him, then gave my manipulator a hug (cause he said he had to have one)

thanked him for manipulating my vote (cheerfully - he took it with good humor)
then meandered on my way, out of the voting vortex.
I was able to vote for some other people that I wanted to and had actually heard of, so overall it was good. Plus I got Costa Vida coupons and an extra ten minutes out of doors.
My "future president", by the way, did n
ot win.

I went home and slept for an hour, missed dinner (whoops), went to my NRHH meeting, and finished off the night with a green star sticker on my hand and some cookies and cream ice cream (part of a program mel did for our floor about discrimination..)

To quote Jim Halpert of The Office,
"Overall...not a bad day!"


  1. So was teh guy you voted for like Pedro? or Napoleon?

  2. fortunately neither. he was pretty much just normal. i thought the picture was a nice touch.
