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Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Very Merry Un-Birthday to Me!

So I have excellent roommates and friends here at this fine establishment, and since I'm going home for my birthday they celebrated by giving me an early birthday party! First they blinded me with an "ear muffler" (as we determined it should be called) and drove me around in circles through the town, to suprise me with a complementary dinner at...ARBY'S!! I actually was surprised that we ended up there, so they confused me well. Also pleased since it's the best fast food this side of the Mississippi. We came back to our apartment to enjoy the gourmet meal and they sprung THIS excellence upon me! :

They even had a bubble machine going to match the balloons

Jenna gave me my own special birthday dance: And, if you're in the mood to listen to several minutes of annoying noise making, lend an ear to this divine piece of music performed by my roommate Jenna and my "half roommate" Sarah.

I got some very interesting gifts... including some interesting/disturbing hair conditioner, food items of delight, pirate eye patches (which came into good use later on), socks, and celebrity items featuring Edward Cullen and the Jonas Brothers! Wahoo!

That last one's an octopus loofa (?) haha.

Soon enough we felt the need to use the pirate eye patches to their full extent.. and so.. we had a pirate dance party!

We topped off the night with a nice bottle of Martinelli's and various photoshoots of our pirate get ups.
My friends are the best! I almost forgot it wasn't really my birthday. Thanks for a fun evening guys! Now for the rest of my birthday present....a weekend back at home! :)


  1. I LOVE the fish plates! oh, and the thing says the video is not available at this time, so no Jenna song for me today. See you tonight! Be careful driving in this snow!
