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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The First Story

Ok, well this is sort of cheating but here's a story for you guys:

Or, The Night I Just Wanted Everything To Look Nice

Once upon a time there was a tired red head who just wanted wider margins on her blog. She looked and looked at the way her words seemed so sadly scrunched up on the page. She hesitated to alter anything because of her understanding of her own technological deficiencies. However, at long last she concluded that the tendency of her current template to allow only four or five decently-sized words into a column was not enough, and that despite the late hour, she would put forth all endeavors to create the visual blog that she desired.

Quickly and efficiently this young lady clicked on this link and that, working her way through the intricacies of templates and gadgets. To her dismay, she discovered that the blog preview function was not performing to its best abilities - that is to say, it was not working at all. But the determined dame was not to be deterred from her purpose. She painstakingly clicked on every alteration she wished, and fearlessly applied it to her blog with no idea what the outcome might be. The results, at first, were horrifying. Colors clashing without shame, margins swerving out of control, backgrounds weaving in and out of each other with complete abandon. It was the nightmare result of a brain not suited for the complex combination of html script and template settings (which as far as I can tell are set in stone and completely stubborn about being hidden away by any attempt, no matter how vigorous and/or pleading).

The young lady eyed wearily the slaughterhouse of fonts and hues that she had unwittingly unleashed. This could not be permitted to shame the face of her occasional cute pictures and witty commentary, no matter how infrequently the general public may choose to peruse it. So, with grim defiance and a few fingers to the spreading migraine in her left temple, she clicked on. Hours passed, colors and designs flopped on and off the screen like dying fish. Nothing seemed right, nothing seemed to fit. And then, at long last, she discovered something monumental.

The visually stunning blog that she was seeking...
...would definitely elude her this night.

She settled on a background that was vaguely more splashy and vibrant than what suited her mellow demeanor, but which seemed more upbeat and "swirly" than her last, and which thus became suitable thanks to her amazing, creative, original title. She scrolled through the result, pleased to see that her efforts had ended up in a relatively readable blog, and, at long last, slightly wider margins.


I apologize for using the word "blog" so often in this post. I guess it kind of came with the story though. It just is kind of an obnoxious word, said enough times repeatedly. Right? Maybe not. Lots of non-annoying things seem annoying after 1 a.m., I'm thinkin'.
That story was probably pretty boring. Or perhaps not. I liked it, myself. By the way if you're kinda nerdy and read this, and realized that I may or may not have invented some things, well then I'm pretty impressed at your perceptiveness, since I don't think I mentioned really anything of technological value. But also I apologize because I admit that I did make up some things.

Nevertheless this is a true story. Pretty much.

(Another annoying thing that also coincidentally involves blogging - every time I add pictures, it messes up my spacing between paragraphs and this just happening to me? Cause Facebook does weird spacing things to me too, and I thought that was a universally experienced frustration, but
Back to the point though, guys. I hope you all appreciate the semi-loveliness of the current state of my blog because it was really quite a doozy figuring it all out. I'll display my experience for you, in pictorial form.
First, I was like:And then I was like:And now I'm pretty much like:
Except a girl.

I'm pretty sure next time I get it in my head to do that, I'm waiting til the preview works, cause that was just ridonculous.

And, well, really that's it for me.
Night, folks!


  1. "She settled on a background that was vaguely more splashy and vibrant than what suited her mellow demeanor, but which seemed more upbeat and "swirly" than her last, and which thus became suitable thanks to her amazing, creative, original title."

    I think you've already captured my thoughts on your new blog-o-stylings much better than I could aspire to. Count me as one (intermittently) faithful follower who is excited to read your emerging oeuvre! What a delightful treat for me, this goal of yours. :)

  2. "First, I was like... And then I was like... And now I'm pretty much like... Except a girl."
    For some reason that made me laugh.

    I commend your attempt to change your blog design. I just have left mine alone for a while.
