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Thursday, September 23, 2010


As usual I've got nothing enlightening or exciting to talk about, but if I'm going to have a blog I might as well write on it, right?

So here's some thoughts:
-why haven't I read Calvin and Hobbes in years? An oversight that ought to be immediately fixed.
-Community and 30 Rock started again tonight. They are both SO good, but I'm gonna have to go with Community for winner of current favorite show.
-since I'm on the subject of shows, I'll mention that I finished watching the last season of Lost, and it is aptly named. I'm totally lost on what happened.
-I still like my job. Not bad, not bad. I even actually do stuff, all the time, actual work ... and I still like it! Maybe my laziness is slowly fading away....
-I REALLY really REALLY need to start painting or drawing again. Why don't I ever do it! How can I possibly be so boring as to find facebook more entertaining??
-Speaking of facebook, time to get off, Tara! Do something fun or active.. or anything.
-I've started reading again, and I highly recommend it.
-Book is not going so well. Probably because I don't do anything with it usually.
-I'm feeling fall coming, and while I dreaded it those first few days (walking outside and hitting a wall of cool air was shocking and distressing) I've reached the "Point of Delight" which is the point in any season where I stop thinking about the negatives (e.g. fall = one season closer to winter. This is the only negative to this time of year) and begin to delight in the good things.

Good Things about Autumn:
Pumpkin carving
Dressing up idiotically for Halloween with friends, going out in public, and feeling silly about it constantly but going along with it anyway because all your friends are having fun
Haunted houses/forests, which I actually hate but look back on fondly in my memory for some reason
Changing leaves
Perfect weather...for about 2 weeks
The colors complement my hair...well, they do!
The season premiers for excellent shows such as Castle, Community, and others (this is recently added and not really high on my list.)
School starts! (well, that used to be a reason)
The need to wear a light jacket almost daily

Ok that's all I can muster. If i'm being honest I could probably talk about how this whole post is one big attempt to procrastinate readings for my psychology class, but I'll just lie and say it isn't.