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Thursday, June 24, 2010


Well I just wrote a whole lovely blog post and managed somehow to delete it just as I was finishing up. So in its place, imagine line upon line of incredible wit, unmatched humor, and mind-boggling creativity.
For a spot of news, I should mention that I'm going to attempt to write a book - a real one - to get published. It will take a while to get anywhere but so far I'm having a lot of fun writing it!
Also, in honor of the newly begun Summer that dawned upon mankind a few days ago, here's an ode to this glorious month that I wrote in my freshman year of College. Enjoy.

Summer Song

Warm Summer haze hangs heavy in the air
While sun's sweet breath blows long and softly down
Lazily the sleep bees bumble humming
To music in the cattails' swaying sound
The lullaby of sweet July floats throbbing
Pulsing to the rythm in the light
Dancing slowly, waltzing calm and breezy,
Keeping time with songbirds' Summer flight
Emerald beneath the golden days
Sways the song of Summer's lyric ways