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Friday, December 23, 2011

And this is why I'm going to start blogging again

The other day I partook in what for me has become a daily activity - the Blog Stalk. As I stalked a blog, done by a coworker at my (awesome though occasionally mind-numbing) job, I realized that her comments about sleeping through classes and eating french fries with friends made me remember the silly pointless things that I used to do, which, although seemingly unimportant at the time, were really the tiny little pieces of fluff that come together to make the figurative stuffing for my "Tara Doll". The Tara Doll is a visual that I am giving you to better illustrate what I mean. But when I say "Tara Doll," I am really just using a metaphor. Tara Doll = Tara.

I was going to upload a picture of a slightly homely, freckled, red-yarn-hair doll, but it would seem that blogger forbids it. So just imagine it in your alarmingly capable minds.

{update: i figured out the photos. Turns out it was just my own incapability. Ha ha!...}

Just as you imagined it? Thought so.

The Tara Doll has a bunch of stuffing in it. This stuffing makes it full of life and vitality, and as a bonus, helps it be much more cuddly. Without this stuffing, Tara Doll is just a sad, limp shell of a human-shaped figure who does nothing but flop around, and even then, only flops if helped by a finger or perhaps a slender stick.

Recently I have come to find I have been pulling all of the coolest, most fun pieces of fluff from the Tara Doll to put on a shelf or in a box (presumably a shoe box because apparently I have a "thing" for those) and as a result, Tara Doll has recently been limp, boring, cranky and shaped weird.

I am determined to re-stuff Tara Doll with her favorite bits of fluff. She has been missing the following things:

2.Reading ridiculously nerdy fantasy books
3.Wearing whatever she wants, EVEN if the clothes are manly and not fashionable at all
4.Saying funny stuff without staring people down self-consciously afterwards to make sure they thought it was funny too
5.Not being stressed about using her spare time to make up hours at work
6.Having spare time to do whatever she wants, including doing nothing at all
7.Not being stressed about driving. Her "mental chatter" during her drive to work has become increasingly appalling as the days, and construction, continue on. Jane Austen would not approve.
8.Watching Fantastic Mr. Fox six times in a row, in a huddle of blanketed, sick roommates who all decided that this was a MUCH better idea than going to all classes that day. Incidentally, they were right.
9.Sleeping through art history, or really any class that took place between 12:30 and 2pm. Those are the times of day that the universities test students by drugging the air to see who would be scholarly enough to resist going unconscious. Tara Doll always failed the test.
10.Wearing enough layers to become indistinguishable from Randy of Christmas Story fame, in order to make it from Richards Hall to Old Main without freezing to death.
11.Spending half-hour chunks of time watching the weather and trying to come up with an amazingly awesome book idea, one so incredible that the whole world will change because of her amazing book.
12.Saying weird, artsy, nerdy things like "yesterday I just sat at my window and watched the hills' warped reflections in the raindrops as they trickled down the glass," even though she hurts a little inside every time anyone else says mental things like that.
13.Being fascinated by art, history, fantasy books and biology...
14....and having time to indulge such fascinations.
15.Not being obsessed with Pinterest and Facebook and texting.
16.Watching poorly made, unrealistic chick flicks that I can't help but love anyway.
17.Other cool things. I'm sure you can think of the rest.

In short, all of my faithful readers must prepare themselves for some mind-blowing blogging. If you didn't notice, it's on the list of fluff. You too can profit from the reorganization of my life's priorities.

And Sarah, never stop pestering me to blog. "By Grabthar's Hammer, you shall be avenged!"