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Saturday, July 18, 2009


Hello all!
This is just a quickie to let anyone who might actually read this blog know that I will soon be updating it with my adventures in France. Not enough time now.. but it is soon coming so have no fear. I guess I can update as to what i've been doing this summer, since that should only take about 2 seconds to explain.
Since being home I've just been working around the house for my mother, thanks to the extreme difficulty in finding a job in the middle of summer when i'm leaving for school again in about a month.
We had a family reunion last weekend and a bunch of the extended family came to visit. Most of you reading this probably are family so you already know about it... but I had a lot of fun! I'm very grateful for my wonderful family.
My friends and I recently saw the newest Harry Potter film, a midnight showing, and dressed up as the various characters - I was Ginny Weasley, Melanie was professor Trelawny, Jackie was "Cho" but was really more just Jackie the Hogwarts student, and Ben came too but wasn't dressed up since he'd just come from work. We also met our friend Jason, death eater, and his brother, a wizard, there. There were some very extreme costumed people! One guy dressed up as Hagrid and was quite convincing - he had people asking him to take pictures with them. I also saw a girl who had shaved her head and was Lord Voldemort ... kinda weird but I guess if you're really into it...way to go. I just wondered what she did the next day. As for the movie I really enjoyed it ... I think. Must go see it again at a normal time of day.
Soon I'll be taking a trip to Washington to my uncle's condo (yay!!) with my family. I'm quite excited for this because it's beautiful there and is one of my favorite places to visit.
And the only other thing I can think of is that I am going to attempt to paint a background for our christmas decorations. I have only painted once or twice before so I'm not sure how it will turn out, but it should be a fun project to try.
We also have a new baby lizard that is super small and cute. I'm glad we got at least one from the dozen! Check out my family's blog for that story, hot off the press.
That should be it for recent updates in my currently very normal life. I'm just enjoying my summer of relaxation (though I must admit i'm getting pretty excited/ready for classes to start again! August 24th ish) So I shall try and post soon some adventures from France, along with pictures. Until then!